The Melar series, developed by Beamtech Optronics, offers high-energy and high-beam-quality laser sources at 1053nm, 527nm, and 351nm wavelengths. In 2005, Beamtech Optronics successfully built a nanosecond Nd:glass laser system for the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with an output of 100J at 527nm , pulse width 15ns, used to pump a Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser amplifier. Between 2008 and 2024, Beamtech Optronics continued to develop 20J, 50J, and 80J high-energy Nd:glass laser systems for research institutions such as the Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shenzhen University, for various scientific applications.
The Melar series offers energy outputs of 20J, 50J, 80J, and 100J at 1053nm with uniform spatial beam distribution. It can achieve pulse repetition rates of 20 minutes per pulse, 10 minutes per pulse, and 5 minutes per pulse. Optional second harmonic (527nm) and third harmonic (351nm) modules are available. The conversion efficiency of third harmonic reaching up to 40%. We provide customizable laser solutions for scientific research.
The Melar series is suitable for a wide range of scientific applications, including pumping Ti:sapphire , laser-matter interaction studies, and optical component damage detection and pre-treatment. In the field of high-energy pulsed lasers, Beamtech Optronics has many years of technical development and engineering experience, and can provide users with a variety of customized laser solutions.